Sunday, December 29, 2013

Free E-Books, One Sunday Only!

Free for kindle Sunday only!

Free for kindle!
Only $2.99 for kindle through Jan. 3rd! I really enjoyed this one!
 202 other e-books 80% off from Zondervan & Thomas Nelson, also!  Probably on sale from other vendors, too. Here's the link to the 1st page of the sale:

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Cutting Edge by Ace Collins

The Cutting Edge

About the book:

Can Leslie become more than just a pretty face?

Leslie Rhoads may have grown up in a small town, but is on the verge of becoming a supermodel in the Big Apple, when the 24-year-old is chosen to grace the cover of Style magazine and star in the controversial Passion Nights’ perfume ads. But before she can step into the spotlight, Leslie is assaulted by a drug gang and disfigured with a broken scotch bottle. Without her perfect face, she is lost and no amount of surgery can ever make her what she once was. Now trying to hide her face from the world, Leslie encounters more trouble as she seeks to rebuild her life: unrequited love, thoughts of suicide, and her assailant out to finish the job. Little does she know that a young girl named Angel will turn it all around, showing Leslie the joy and potential in life and the fact that love truly is blind.  

My review: 

This is a very interesting story that really makes you think about the importance put on appearances rather than on character.  Leslie was used to depending on her looks, so when she lost them, she felt like she lost her worth.  It's a good reminder that it's more important that we're beautiful inside than out.  I like who Leslie became by the end of the book and the supportive people in her life who showed her unconditional love.  It's amazing what people can survive with a support system, especially when they turn to God.  It seemed Leslie grew up going to church, but had shed her faith as she pursued her career.  There's talk of faith throughout the book, but there's not really a defining moment where she turns back to God, which I would have liked to see.  This is a sequel to Darkness Before Dawn, which I didn't realize until after I'd read the book, but I don't think it had much impact on this story as it was about her cousin.  There's some romance and suspense, which I enjoyed.  I really liked the unique plot, too.  Check out this unique story!

I received a free ARC of this book from Abingdon Press in exchange for an honest review.

Free E-Books, One Thursday Only, One Through Friday Only, Plus Others!

A Constant Heart by Siri Mitchell
Stealing the Preacher by Karen Witemeyer Stealing the preacher free Thursday only!  Constant Heart until Feb 28th!  Multiple vendors at the link:

Free for kindle!
Free for kindle!
Free for kindle!
Free for kindle!
Free for kindle!
Free from multiple vendors until Friday at midnight!
Free for kindle!  This was a good one!
Free for kindle!  I enjoyed this one, too.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Free E-Books, 2 Monday Only, 4 Books and a Song Through Tuesday Only!

Free for kindle Monday only!

Free for kindle Monday only!  Sorry for the late notice on these two.  I really enjoyed this one!
O Little TownRelationshipsJesus In The Present Tense My HopeThree books and one song free from multiple vendors until Tuesday at midnight!
David Cook
Free for kindle through Tuesday the 24th!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Free and Sale Kindle Books!

Free for kindle!

Free for kindle!

Only 2.99 for kindle until Jan 3rd!

3.99 for kindle until Jan 3rd!  This book is amazing!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Beyond the Past -Caney Creek Series 2 - by Jo Huddleston

About the book:

Beyond the Past (Book 2 in the Caney Creek Series)

An inspirational Southern historical romance novel

Emmajean Callaway's life plummets from bad to worse. Can big brother, Jim, hold the imploding Callaway family together?

Jim Callaway looks forward to 1951 but he’s sidetracked when his sister and his best friend need his help. His baby sister, Emmajean, skids into jail on drug charges in Atlanta. She struggles to recover physically and spiritually with her lawyer’s help as he champions her inside and outside the courtroom. Jim’s nephew, Art, is one step ahead of the truant officer, wrecks his car, and officials suspect alcohol is involved. Art awaits his fate at the hands of the juvenile court judge. Jim and Caroline continue their bumpy journey as they seek realization of their dreams. 

My review:

This is an interesting story that continues right where the first book left off.  I would definitely recommend reading these in order.  I liked the courtroom angle for both Emmajean and Art.  There's some romance as Jim and Caroline's relationship takes off and Emmajean meets someone.  There are some spiritual aspects in the story, but it didn't feel like Emmajean had much of a transformation in that way.  I thought Jim and Caroline were playing with fire sometimes, and I found it especially odd that Caroline was almost pushing Jim to get intimate when they weren't married.  Jim seems to have a strong faith, but Caroline's seems nonexistent, so it felt like they weren't well matched.  You might want to check it out if you like historical romances.

I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Free E-Books!

Free for kindle!

Free for kindle!
Free for kindle!

Speaking of Jesus Free from multiple vendors until Friday at midnight!

Friday, December 13, 2013

The Advent of Murder - A Faith Morgan Mystery - by Martha Ockley

This is an interesting mystery about a former policewoman who is now a vicar.  She stumbles into a police investigation when she goes to check on the man playing Joseph in her church's Christmas pageant and finds police cars and a dead teenager on his property.  Though Faith tries to stay away, she can't seem to stop asking questions, especially when she finds out the teenager may have been involved with her church.  Another compelling reason to stay involved is her ex-boyfriend is running the investigation and she still feels drawn to him, though his lack of faith is a problem.  She is also drawn to the local choirmaster, but he's a suspect.  Should she risk her heart on either of these men?  What really happened to this boy?

This story kept my interest pretty well.  It had a nice blend of the procedural mixed with the small-town everyday mixed with a woman vicar's view of the world.  It was interesting to learn about some of the day-to-day tasks she had and how busy she was!  Who knew it was so hard to find a donkey to rent?  I liked the bits of romance and the interesting church folk really added to the story.  There is a book before this, but I did't feel like I was too lost, not having read it yet.  The mystery was interesting, but not too difficult to figure out.  There are a couple swear words, which I could do without.  Check out this story if you like mysteries, Christmas stories, and small-town life.

I received this book free from Kregel Publications in exchange for an honest review.

Blame It On the Mistletoe - A Novel of Bright's Pond - by Joyce Magnin

About the book:

Is There Really a Fountain of Youth in Paradise?

Welcome back to Bright 's Pond, where strange happenings are afoot at the Greenbrier Nursing Home. Strange even for Bright 's Pond. The residents suddenly act like kids again riding trikes, climbing trees, and of all things falling in love. Some of the townsfolk blame it on the crooked new gazebo, or its builder, a quirky little man who quotes Don Quixote, collects water from the fountain at the Paradise trailer park, and disappears on a regular basis.

While Chief of Police Mildred Blessing investigates the mystery, Griselda and her friends deal with a luau Thanksgiving, preparations for the Christmas pageant, and maybe even an upcoming wedding. Only, in Bright 's Pond, nothing ever really goes as planned . . . 

My review:

This is an interesting story with some quirky characters!  I liked that Griselda is taking some risks, from learning to fly a plane to wondering if she should stay with her long-time on-again, off-again boyfriend. A new man in town complicates the situation, which was interesting.  There's a bit of a mystery with the antics at the nursing home.  Then there were the odd events, from a blessing of a fountain to the tropical Thanksgiving.  Things felt a bit too rehashed in the story and I found myself wanting more to happen that interested me.  I felt a little lost, too, since I haven't read any of the other books in the series.  Check it out if you like quirky small-town life and unique Christmas stories.

I received this book free from Abingdon Press in exchange for an honest review.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Simple Amish Christmas by Vannetta Chapman

About the book:

Will Annie find acceptance in the Amish community she left behind?

Annie Weaver always planned to return home, but the 20-year old RN has lived in Philadelphia for three years now. As her time of rumschpringe is about to come to an abrupt end, bringing for Annie an overwhelming sense of loneliness. She returns home and finds herself face-to-face with a budding romance with an Amish farmer and Annie has several important choices to make.  

My review:

I really enjoyed this story about a young woman finding her place in the world.  I thought it was amusing to see how she butts heads with Samuel, an Amish man who tends the sick in their community the best he can even though he's not a doctor.  There's a little bit of a cute romance, but mostly it's just a cozy read about a girl returning to the family and community she misses and finding a new role in it.  I really liked all of the characters and realized that this actually precedes The Christmas Quilt, which I also really enjoyed.  I would recommend this cozy Christmas story!

I received a free copy of this book from Abingdon Press in exchange for an honest review.


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

One Imperfect Christmas by Myra Johnson

One Imperfect Christmas

About the book: 

Only Love Makes a Christmas Perfect. 

Graphic designer Natalie Pearce faces the most difficult Christmas of her life. For almost a year, her mother has lain in a nursing home, the victim of a massive stroke, and Natalie blames herself for not being there when it happened. Worse, she’s allowed the monstrous load of guilt to drive a wedge between her and everyone she loves—most of all her husband Daniel. Her marriage is on the verge of dissolving, her prayer life is suffering, and she’s one Christmas away from hitting rock bottom

Junior-high basketball coach Daniel Pearce is at his wit’s end. Nothing he’s done has been able to break through the wall Natalie has erected between them. And their daughter Lissa’s adolescent rebellion isn’t helping matters. As Daniel’s hope reaches its lowest ebb, he wonders if this Christmas will spell the end of his marriage and the loss of everything he holds dear.

My review:

This was an interesting story; I can't imagine how hard it would be to have a parent suffer a massive stroke, especially if you feel like you're to blame.  However, I found myself very frustrated with Natalie and I also felt like parts were repetitious where Natalie kept blaming herself.  It really shows how important forgiving yourself is and also loving your family and being there for them.  I liked the different perspectives so we could understand the story from multiple angles.  I thought this would be a lighter read, so just be aware that though this is a Christmas story, it deals with multiple emotional issues and is definitely more serious with a touch of hope.

I received a free e-book of this book from Abingdon Press in exchange for an honest review.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Free E-Books Through Tuesday!

Blowing on DandelionsSeeing through the FogNothing Is Impossible with God  Free from multiple vendors until Tuesday at midnight!

David Cook

The Captive Maiden by Melanie Dickerson

About the book: 

Happily Ever After …Or Happily Nevermore?
Gisela’s childhood was filled with laughter and visits from nobles such as the duke and his young son. But since her father’s death, each day has been filled with nothing but servitude to her stepmother. So when Gisela learns the duke’s son, Valten---the boy she has daydreamed about for years---is throwing a ball in hopes of finding a wife, she vows to find a way to attend, even if it’s only for a taste of a life she’ll never have. To her surprise, she catches Valten’s eye. Though he is rough around the edges, Gisela finds Valten has completely captured her heart. But other forces are bent on keeping the two from falling further in love, putting Gisela in more danger than she ever imagined.

My review:

I liked this retelling of Cinderella.  I love fairy tales and find it fascinating to see them fleshed out and made more realistic.  This is part of a series all based on fairy tales, but also works well as a stand-alone.  I really admired Gisela for her bravery and endurance, but especially for her willingness to forgive.  The medieval time period isn't one of my favorites, but it worked well for the story.  There was a bit of repeating as Gisela was captured more than once and she kept trying to think of ways to get away and thinking about whether Valten was coming to rescue her.  I  really liked Valten and his questioning of his purpose in life and also his uncertainty around girls; it was cute.  The romance was sweet.  I love that we get both of their perspectives.  This is written more for teens, but adults who like fairy tale stories or medieval fiction would enjoy it, too.

I received an ARC from Zondervan in exchange for an honest review.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Free E-Books, One Thurs. Only!

Free Thurs. only, for kindle!


Prophet by R. J. Larson

Free from multiple vendors until Jan. 31st!

Code of Honor by Sandy DenglerFree at same site until 12/31!

The Christmas Quilt - Quilts of Love - by Vannetta Chapman

About the book: Annie's life is deliciously full as the Christmas season approaches. She helps her husband, Samuel, attend to the community's minor medical needs. She occasionally assists Belinda, the local midwife, and most days, she finds herself delivering the buggy to her brother Adam. Annie's sister-in-law Leah is due to deliver their first child before Christmas morning, and Annie is determined to finish a crib quilt before the boppli arrives. With six weeks to go, she should have no problem . . . but God may have a different plan. Leah is rushed to the English hospital when the infant arrives early, and Annie discovers the Christmas quilt may hold a far greater significance than she ever imagined.

My review: I enjoyed this cozy story about two Amish women who go through a difficult season together, but come through stronger in their faith because of it.  Hard times cause us to really focus on what matters and I liked how Leah and her husband realized how they had drifted apart.   Even though this seems to be a stand-alone, it felt like there might have been a previous story about Annie and when she met her husband.  However, each of the Quilts of Love books are meant to be read on their own.  I thought it was fascinating how Leah and Annie told stories as they finished the quilt and the meaning they held.  I love the sense of community I've seen in most Amish stories and that is very evident in this one.  Be sure to add this story to your Christmas line-up!

I received a free copy of this book from Abingdon Press in exchange for an honest review.

Excerpt here.

Image of Vannetta Chapman

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Free Kindle books!

Free for kindle Wed only!  This is a wonderful romance!

Free for kindle!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Free E--Books!

Flame of Resistance
Flame of ResistanceTake a Chance on MeThe Vanishings

First two free until 12/7; Left Behind until 12/31 from multiple vendors!  Take a Chance on Me is wonderful!  Haven't read Flame yet.
Free for kindle!