Friday, December 23, 2016

Remember & Return: Rekindling Your Love for the Savior - by John MacArthur

Cover Art

About the book:

Rediscover the One who first loved you
In the busyness and trials of life, it's easy to drift away from the Savior. We may continue to go to church and even read the Scriptures and pray, but we can still lose our first love. Christ commended the church in Ephesus for their works and for their intolerance of false doctrine, yet admonished them to remember and return to their first love--Him. In the same way, our outward religiosity can mask an inner lack of love for our Savior.

In this thirty-one-day devotional, John MacArthur takes you down a biblically prescribed path as you rediscover who Christ is, what He has done, and how you must respond. Each entry will move you from understanding to application to reflection and prayer, with a goal of rekindling your first love for Christ.

My review:

This was a wonderful book filled with great practical advice.  I hadn't been making spending time with Jesus a priority and I thought this book would be the push I needed.  It definitely was!  Each devotional was about 6 pages and consisted of a verse at the beginning and a daily challenge at the end.  The first section focuses on who Jesus is, that He was fully God and fully man and his wonderful qualities.  Then MacArthur points out the blessings believers have been given.  The next section shows how Jesus humbled himself to become a man, giving up so many of His rights willingly and then suffering a terrible death on a cross.  We desperately needed a Savior and Jesus became our substitute.  Then he looks at how Jesus was exalted and regained His glory through his "resurrection, ascension, coronation, and present intercession."  Finally, he looks at how Jesus suffered and how we should view suffering we have to go through, obedience and what to do when we fail and focusing on Heaven and what's ahead for us rather than looking back.  MacArthur did a wonderful job explaining the different aspects we need to take into account of how amazing Jesus is and what He did for us.  My favorite parts were when he explained the original Greek and Hebrew meanings of words that sometimes don't translate very well into English.  We don't always get the nuances that are helpful for understanding meanings.  This book really challenged me to be more grateful for all that Jesus gave up when He came to Earth and died for me.  It also challenged me to really focus on making Jesus my first love and not getting distracted with worldly things.  I highly recommend it!

I received this book free from Baker Books.

About the author:

 The Author

  1. John MacArthur

    John MacArthur

    John MacArthur is a popular author and conference speaker and has served as pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, since 1969. John's teaching is available around the world through his media ministry, Grace to You. In addition to...
    Continue reading about John MacArthur 

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Loved it! My Review of Deep Shadows - The Remnant Series 1 - by Vannetta Chapman

Deep Shadows

About the book:

All It Takes Is One Night
to Plunge the World into Darkness

Life in Abney, Texas, is predictable and safe—until the night a massive solar flare wipes out all modern technology.

Shelby Sparks, novelist and single mom, had one goal: to provide for her diabetic son. In the wake of this global disaster, her mission hasn't changed. Only now, medication is a priceless commodity and the future resembles an apocalyptic nightmare.

Max Berkman and Shelby were once sweethearts, but he lost his chance at claiming her love years ago. When the abrupt loss of power ushers him into a leadership role, he rises to the occasion. But his highest priority—to keep Shelby and her son safe—could prove to be the biggest challenge of all.

As the brilliant northern lights give way to deep shadows, Max and Shelby's faith will be tested like never before. Only one rule remains: Find a way to survive.

* * *

In this first book in an eerily plausible dystopian series, a memorable cast of characters must navigate a familiar world thrown into chaos.

My review:

I loved this book!  It was fascinating to imagine what our world would be like without all of our modern conveniences.  There were situations that happened I hadn't even thought of and a few that totally shocked me, which needless to say made for an exciting read!  For instance, how do we take care of people in hospitals and nursing homes or what happens when life-saving prescriptions are no longer made or able to be transported?  How about when food is no longer available in the grocery store? There was danger, excitement, action, romance, not a dull moment!  The main characters were interesting, partly because Shelby and Max had been high school sweethearts years ago and there were still some lingering feelings, though Shelby fought against it.  There was a hint of romance in the story.  They were both pretty smart about what to do; Shelby was a writer who had researched solar flares before and Max, an attorney who was very logical and did what needed to be done.  They were Christians who prayed and attended church, along with their two friends.  Shelby's son, Carter, wasn't sure what he believed about God.  It was interesting to get the different viewpoints of the three of them.  Their pastor had a wonderful, encouraging message about the Lord being good and that His love will endure forever, no matter what happened or will happen.  I loved how they supported each other and their community.  I can't wait for the next book to see what happens with these wonderful characters and where the situation goes from here.  I highly recommend it!

I received this book free from Harvest House Publishers.

Meet the author

Vannetta Chapman

Vannetta Chapman

Vannetta Chapman writes inspirational fiction full of grace, including romantic suspense and Amish romance novels. Chapman was a teacher for 15 years and currently writes full-time. She lives in the Texas hill country with her husband, pets, and a herd of
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All It Takes Is One Night
to Plunge the World into Darkness

Life in Abney, Texas, is predictable and safe—until the night a massive solar flare wipes out all modern technology.

Shelby Sparks, novelist and single mom, had one goal: to provide for her diabetic son. In the wake of this global disaster, her mission hasn’t changed. Only now, medication is a priceless commodity and the future resembles an apocalyptic nightmare.

Max Berkman and Shelby were once sweethearts, but he lost his chance at claiming her love years ago. When the abrupt loss of power ushers him into a leadership role, he rises to the occasion. But his highest priority—to keep Shelby and her son safe—could prove to be the biggest challenge of all.

As the brilliant northern lights give way to deep shadows, Max and Shelby’s faith will be tested like never before. Only one rule remains: Find a way to survive.
- See more at:

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Storm - Stone Braide Chronicles 3 - by Bonnie S. Calhoun

Cover Art

About the book:

Selah's mind and life are beginning to fracture. Can she complete the Third Protocol before it's too late?
As Selah and her companions mourn the loss of those who died in the Mountain, they are faced with a new threat. Selah must complete the Third Protocol before she fractures and loses herself completely. All clues lead to the West, but what will they find when they get there? The other side of the mountains holds unknown perils--volcanic ash, dangerous storms, and strange new settlements that could hold the keys to Selah's quest . . . or lead to her destruction.

The clock is ticking and Selah's abilities are growing--along with the list of those out for her blood. Selah must find the strength within herself to keep going and complete the mission for which so many have sacrificed so much.

But have she and her companions pinned their hopes on nothing more than a legend?

My review:

This is a very unique book that continues Selah's story from the previous books.  You should definitely read this series in order; I missed book two and I was a bit lost.  I liked Selah for her strength and because she wanted to do the right thing, even if it cost her something.  Her journey was interesting as her group traveled into unknown areas and met with people they didn't know if they could trust.  There was a lot of action and a little bit of romance.  There was always a lot going on, either a fight or Selah learning new information or an unexpected event happening.  It was fascinating to see Selah's abilities change throughout the story.  Bodhi was Selah's love interest and I liked that we had his viewpoint as well as Selah's.  I would recommend this book if you like fantasy stories.

I received this book free from Revell.

 The Author

  1. Bonnie S. Calhoun

    Bonnie S. Calhoun

    Bonnie S. Calhoun is the author of Thunder and Lightning, the first two books in the Stone Braide Chronicles. She loves to write, but it doesn't make her happy unless there are the three Bs: body count, blood, and blowing things up. She also has...

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Cottage - Secrets of the Shetlands 2 - by Michael Phillips

Cover Art

About the book:

Is the Future of Whales Reef in the Hands of an Outsider?
When Loni Ford is informed that she has inherited property in the Shetland Islands, she laughs. She wants nothing more than to sell it and be done with it. But when she arrives in the North Sea enclave, she is stunned to find that "the Cottage" is not at all what she expected, nor is David Tulloch, the man most of the islanders believe to be the rightful heir.

The locals could hardly be more surprised that the heir is a woman--and an American. Loni, in turn, finds the islanders quaint and a bit behind the times. Expecting David to be as provincial as the rest of his clan, she discovers that there is far more to the man than meets the eye. And there is something about the peaceful atmosphere of the place--and the character of its most prominent citizen--that soon gets under her skin.

Beneath the peaceful surface, however, change is threatening the island of Whales Reef. David's cousin Hardy Tulloch, whose claim to the inheritance now in Loni's hands was backed by oil investors, has not been deterred in his aim to control the island. But his co-conspirators have plans of their own, plans that put Loni's very life in danger. . . .

My review:

I really enjoyed this wonderful story about a woman discovering who she really is and where she came from.  Loni was orphaned at an early age and never knew much about her mom's side of the family, so it was wonderful to see her discover her roots and her family's history.  I enjoy Michael Phillips' books not only for the characters and stories he writes, but also for the history he reveals of the places his stories are set.  I loved learning more about Scotland and its religious and clan history.  I also really liked the sections where Loni read her great-grandmother's journal and we got to see some of her history, too. I liked Loni and enjoyed her spiritual journey as well as David's faith background.  There was also a fascinating story of how their minister came to faith.  She grew up a Quaker and there was some interesting information about that faith practice.  David was a wonderful character, almost too good to be true.  Their interactions were enjoyable and it felt like I was a friend tagging along with them. I liked that the words were written in the Scottish accent and dialect of the Shetlanders.  It felt more authentic and like I was really experiencing the island along with Loni. There was some suspense as Hardy and a Texas oilman threaten Loni and the Whales Reef way of life.  There's also a bit of romance.  I thought this story worked pretty well as a stand-alone for being a continuation of Loni's story.  I haven't read book one, but didn't feel lost.  I highly recommend this fascinating story!

I received this book free from Bethany House Publishers.

 The Author

  1. Michael Phillips

    Michael Phillips

    Michael Phillips is a bestselling author who has penned more than seventy books, both fiction and nonfiction. In addition, he has served as editor/redactor of nearly thirty more books. Over the past thirty years, his persistent efforts have helped reawaken...
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Monday, November 7, 2016

Improbable Planet: How Earth Became Humanity's Home - by Hugh Ross

Cover Art

About the book:

Are we really just the result of innumerable coincidences?
Or is there a more reasonable explanation?

Most of us remember the basics from science classes about how Earth came to be the only known planet that sustains complex life. But what most people don't know is that the more thoroughly researchers investigate the history of our planet, the more astonishing the story of our existence becomes.

The number and complexity of the astronomical, geological, chemical, and biological features recognized as essential to human existence have expanded explosively within the past decade. An understanding of what is required to make possible a large human population and advanced civilizations has raised profound questions about life, our purpose, and our destiny.

This fascinating book helps nonscientists understand the countless miracles that undergird the exquisitely fine-tuned planet we call home--as if Someone had us in mind all along.

My review:

I have to confess, I had a hard time getting through this book.  Parts of it were very interesting, but I got bogged down in all of the science lingo.  Hugh Ross believes that the world is billions of years old, but explains in detail how improbable it is that Earth could have just happened with all of the complicated things that needed to come together to allow and sustain life and especially advanced life.  I have to agree after reading about all of the processes that impact us and how if anything was just a little bit off, Earth wouldn't be able to sustain life.  It would be too hot or too cold or too little oxygen, etc., etc., etc.   He names a lot of studies and experiments that have been done to try to figure out how the Earth and other planets became the way they are. However, I don't really believe that the world is billions of years old, though admittedly I haven't done a lot of research into the young Earth, old Earth debate, so I had a bit of a hard time with his timelines.  I just don't really understand what would be the point of God creating the world, then having evolution slowly change things over time when He could just create it the way He wants it right away.  However, I do agree that God created the world and it's awe-inspiring to see how many things have affected the history of Earth and affect us right now.  We are truly living in a blessed age as far as our environment is concerned.  I also really liked his last chapter about why we're here.  Life does have meaning and purpose.  We're to seek and find God and encourage others to do the same.  If you like science and reading about how the world possibly came to be, you might want to check this out.

I received this book free from Baker Books.

The Author

  1. Hugh Ross

    Hugh Ross

    Hugh Ross (PhD, University of Toronto) is founder and president of international and interdenominational Reasons To Believe ( He is the author of many books, including The Creator and the Cosmos, More Than a Theory, and Why...
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Monday, October 31, 2016

The Devoted - The Bishop's Family 3 - by Suzanne Woods Fisher

Cover Art

About the book:

The Amish life is all she's ever known--but will it satisfy her soul?
Restless and adventurous, Ruthie Stoltzfus is right on the cusp of leaving her Amish home. Secretly, she's earned her GED, saved her money--but she can't quite set her journey into motion. Just as everything falls into place, along comes Patrick Kelly.

Patrick is a young man on a journey of his own. He's come to Stoney Ridge to convert to the Amish and has given himself thirty days to learn the language, drive a buggy, and adapt to "everything Plain." Time is of the essence and every moment is to be cherished--especially the hours he spends with Ruthie, his Penn Dutch tutor.

Ruthie's next-door neighbor and cunning ex-boyfriend, Luke Schrock, is drawn to trouble like a moth to a flame. Rebellious, headstrong, defiant, Luke will do anything to win Ruthie back--and Patrick Kelly is in his way.

Bestselling author Suzanne Woods Fisher invites you back to Stoney Ridge for a story of dreams deferred--and the promise of hopes fulfilled.

My review:

I really enjoyed this story that took me back to the Stolzfus family of Stoney Ridge.  I liked the different viewpoints of David, the bishop, and his daughter, Ruthie and his sister, nicknamed Dok. The story centered on Ruthie, a restless Amish girl who's not quite sure what she wants, and her aunt, a doctor who left the Amish years ago.  Her aunt takes over the local practice, hoping the Amish will see a woman doctor.  There's a possible romance as a police officer is interested in her, but she's involved with someone else and Ruthie finds herself interested in two men.  It's also sweet to see David and Birdy's relationship now that they're married.  It was amusing to see Ruthie teach Patrick to learn Pennsylvania Dutch.  I also enjoyed seeing Jesse's apprentices give him a run for his money.  He definitely had his hands full!  It was also pretty funny when Jenny, Jesse's arch-nemesis from middle school, showed up.  I loved the advice that her aunt gave Ruthie about watching and waiting for God's timing and that He has a plan for her future.  There were a lot of wonderful discussions about faith and I liked the emphasis on keeping the Sabbath as a day of rest.  There's also an interesting situation with a man who ends up dead at the local inn.  I would recommend reading this series in order in order to understand all of the relationships and their progress throughout the series.  I highly recommend this book!

I received this book free from Revell.

 The Author

  1. Suzanne Woods Fisher
    © Dan Davis Photography

    Suzanne Woods Fisher

    Suzanne Woods Fisher is the bestselling author of The Letters, The Calling, the Lancaster County Secrets series, and the Stoney Ridge Seasons series, as well as nonfiction books about the Amish, including Amish Peace. She is also the...

Wild Montana Skies - Montana Rescue 1 - by Susan May Warren

Cover Art

About the book:

The last thing Search and Rescue helicopter pilot Kacey Fairing needs upon returning home to Mercy Falls, Montana, is to run into her mistakes. After a devastating crash during her recent military tour in Afghanistan, she is emotionally broken but ready to start putting her life back together. She just wants to reconnect with her teenage daughter and spend the summer working as the new lead pilot of PEAK Rescue in Glacier National Park.

But her mistakes aren't so easily forgotten. Because Ben King is also back in town.

Country music star Ben King abandoned his past when he moved to Nashville thirteen years ago to start his career. He hoped to heal his broken heart, caused by losing the woman he loved. But when his father is injured, Ben is called home to help manage PEAK Rescue during his recovery. He doesn't realize his father has ulterior motives until his old flame, Kacey, walks into his house and back into his heart.

Now, with Mercy Falls in a state of emergency due to flash floods, Kacey and Ben will have to work together to save lives. But when secrets are uncovered and old hurts rise to the surface, will they walk away again? Or can they find a different ending to their country love song?

My review:

This was a beautifully written story about second chances at love and faith.  Susan May Warren is one of my favorite authors and this book shows the wonderful way she has with both plot and characters.  She has a way of really making her characters walk off the page and feel like living, breathing people.  I loved Kacey and her toughness, but also her vulnerability where Ben and her daughter were concerned.  She also struggled with some PTSD from her stints in the military. She was crushed by Ben in the past and didn't want to risk her heart again and he also had been hurt by her.  It was wonderful to see their relationship unfold, but with a lot of baggage to deal with, not to mention a daughter's heart to risk getting hurt besides their own.  They also both struggled with their faith in God, with Ben especially feeling like everything's gone wrong in his life, from Kasey to his career to his mom dying to his dad's accident.  I liked Ben, too, and loved that he wrote and sang songs for Kacey.  I really enjoyed the music angle to the story.  I loved the secondary plot about Kasey's best friend Sierra and her boss, Ian.  There's a romance brewing there, but also interesting was a search for Ian's niece Esme as they don't know what happened to her after she disappeared a few years ago.  There were some wonderful romantic moments; Warren sure knows how to write them!  I can't wait for book two!  I highly recommend this book!

I received this book free from Revell.

 The Author

  1. Susan May Warren

    Susan May Warren

    Susan May Warren is the ECPA and CBA bestselling author of over fifty novels, including Wild Montana Skies, with more than one million books sold. Winner of a RITA Award and multiple Christy and Carol Awards, as well as the HOLT and numerous Readers'...
    Continue reading about Susan May Warren 

Tangled Webs - Men of Valor 3 - by Irene Hannon

Cover Art

About the book:

Finn has packed away his combat instincts--but he may need them again when danger begins to stalk his quiet hideaway . . .
After a disastrous Middle East mission ends his six-year Army Ranger career, Finn McGregor needs some downtime. A peaceful month in the woods sounds like the perfect way to decompress. But peace isn't on the agenda once he crosses paths with publishing executive Dana Lewis, a neighbor who is nursing wounds of her own. Someone seems bent on disrupting her stay in the lakeside cabin she inherited from her grandfather. As Finn and Dana work together to discover who is behind the disquieting pranks, the incidents begin to take on a menacing tone. And when it becomes apparent Dana's foe may have deadly intent, Finn finds himself back in the thick of the action--ready or not.

Bestselling author and three-time RITA Award winner Irene Hannon draws readers into a web of psychological suspense where danger lurks in dark corners . . . and keeps them captive until the very last page.

My review:

What a wonderful conclusion to the Men of Valor series!  I really enjoyed getting to know Finn after seeing him pop up in the first two books about his brothers.  I'm glad his brothers showed up a few times here, too.  I liked the close family they have and how they were always there for each other. Dana was a smart woman and a quick thinker;  I loved that she was a fiction editor!  Both Finn and Dana had some past trauma they'd been through, which led to their meeting in a most unexpected and exciting way!  Talk about starting the book off with a bang!  There were some good action scenes and I liked that we saw the perspective of the bad guys, too, and got in their heads a little bit.  There were some sweet romantic moments and a little bit about faith, from a priest talking about God's forgiveness to the struggle to do what's right to praying and believing God's watching and hearing us.  The yummy food mentioned in the book sounded great, especially the pie!  The book works well as a stand-alone, but I'd recommend reading the first two as well.  If you like romantic suspense, you'll like this book!

I received this book free from Revell.

 The Author

  1. Irene Hannon

    Irene Hannon

    Irene Hannon is the bestselling author of more than fifty novels, including One Perfect Spring, Hope Harbor, and Sea Rose Lane, as well as the Private Justice and Men of Valor suspense series. Her books have been honored with three coveted...
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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Another Day, Another Dali - A Serena Jones Mystery 2 - by Sandra Orchard

Cover Art

About the book:

The world of art theft can be a deadly game--one that Serena Jones understands all too well.
When FBI Special Agent Serena Jones takes on the case of a forged Dali painting as a favor to her grandmother, she assumes it will be a typical investigation. Hopefully collaring the thief will also mean finally measuring up in her grandmother's eyes. But the deeper she delves into the forgery and the suspects surrounding it, the less typical it becomes.

The Dali isn't the only painting that's fallen prey to the forgery-replacing thief, raising the possibility of a sophisticated theft ring--one with links to dirty cops, an aspiring young artist, and the unsolved murder of Serena's grandfather. To make matters worse, someone connected to the forgeries seems to be determined to stop Serena's investigation--no matter the cost.

Another Day, Another Dali gives the plucky Serena Jones--and readers--a new high-stakes case to crack. You won't want to miss a single brushstroke!

My review:

This was such a fun and amusing mystery I didn't want to put down!  Serena never has a dull moment;  if it's not chasing bad guys, it's trying to keep her zany great-aunt from interfering in her investigations or trying to stop her family from turning her friendships with her handsome landlord or colleague into a walk down the aisle.  The investigations were fascinating as Serena tries to figure out who's painting forgeries, who stole her grandmother's friend's painting and who murdered her grandfather two decades ago and could they all possibly be related?  There's humor, a little bit of romance as it seems like both guys in her life might like her as more than a friend and she might like them back and some action.  There's a little bit about faith and I really liked her insight into her choice to make Sunday a day of rest and how she felt like she was rewarded for that by things falling into place at work on Monday.  I like the focus on art in this series and while the mystery is wrapped up in this book, the relationships carry over from book one so I would suggest reading that first for a little more insight and because it's also a wonderful story!  I highly recommend this book!

I received this book free from Revell.

 The Author

  1. Sandra Orchard

    Sandra Orchard

    Sandra Orchard is the award-winning author of many inspirational romantic suspense and mysteries, including Deadly DevotionBlind Trust, and Desperate Measures. Her writing has garnered several...
    Continue reading about Sandra Orchard 

Where Two Hearts Meet - Prince Edward Island Dreams 2 - by Liz Johnson

Cover Art

About the book:

In her kitchen at Rose's Red Door Inn, executive chef Caden Holt is calm, collected, and competent. But when her boss asks her to show off their beautiful island to impress a visiting travel writer and save the inn, Caden is forced to face a world much bigger than her kitchen--and a man who makes her wish she was beautiful.

Journalist Adam Jacobs is on a forced sabbatical on Prince Edward Island. He's also on assignment to uncover a story. Instead he's falling in love with the island's red shores and Caden's sweets.

When Caden discovers Adam isn't who she thought he was, she realizes that the article he's writing could do more than ruin the inn's chances for survival--it might also break her heart.

My review:

This was another wonderful story in the Prince Edward Island series!  I loved Caden; she was such a sweet and caring person, but had very low self-esteem due to how some people had treated her because of her weight.  Adam was also a wonderful character.  He struggled with so much guilt over some past mistakes and my heart hurt for both him and Caden.  I loved seeing their friendship bloom and their relationship progress to something more.  I also loved all of the discussion of food and recipes.  It all sounded amazing and I was jealous of Adam getting to be a taste-tester!  There were some wonderful secondary characters, especially an elderly couple also visiting who befriend Adam and Caden.  The man had been a prisoner in a concentration camp as a child and he helped Adam understand more about grace.  They have a wonderful discussion, along with one he has with Caden about forgiveness as Adam starts to realize he can't continue to carry these burdens alone.  There were some funny moments and some very sweet romantic ones.  The island sounds amazing and I'm definitely going to have to visit there now.  This story works as a stand-alone, but you'll definitely want to read about Caden's friends, Marie and Seth, in book one.  I highly recommend this book!

I received this book free of charge from Revell.

 The Author

  1. Liz Johnson

    Liz Johnson

    Liz Johnson is a full-time marketing specialist for a Nashville-based publisher. She has been a freelance writer and editor for several publications, including CBA Retailers+Resources, Christian Fiction Online magazine, and Storytellers...
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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

When Death Draws Near - A Gwen Marcey Novel 3 - by Carrie Stuart Parks

About the book:

Gwen Marcey takes death in stride. Until she’s faced with her own mortality.
Forensic artist Gwen Marcey is between jobs when she accepts temporary work in Pikeville, Kentucky—a small town facing big-city crime. But before Gwen can finish her first drawing of the serial rapist who is on the loose, the latest witness vanishes. Just like all the others.
Gwen suspects a connection between the rapist and the “accidental” deaths that are happening around town, but the local sheriff has little interest in her theories. When her digitally-obsessed teenage daughter joins her, Gwen turns her attention to a second assignment: going undercover in a serpent-handling church. She could get a handsome reward for uncovering illegal activity—a reward she desperately needs, as it seems her breast cancer has returned. But snakes aren’t the only ones ready to kill. Can Gwen uncover the truth—and convince anyone to believe her—before she becomes a victim herself?

In a thrilling race against time, When Death Draws Near plunges us into cold-case murders, shady politics, and a den of venomous suspects.

My review:

This was a funny and fascinating story I did not want to put down!  I loved Gwen Marcey; she had a lot of great one-liners and was very smart so it was interesting to see her try to figure out who the rapist and the killer were and if they tied into the serpent-handling church.  Her character was unique in that she had battled breast cancer and seemed to have gotten it back again.  I liked the honesty in the story as she questioned God and her faith because of the cancer and another life-threatening situation she found herself in.  She prays and the beliefs of the serpent-handling church are also explained.  There's a hint of romance as she contemplates dating again even though she feels like damaged goods.  The plot was unique and I liked learning more about the history of the area and the church there.  I can't wait to read books one and two;  this one stood well by itself, but there were a couple incidents mentioned that I assume happened in the first two books.  I highly recommend this story if you like suspense!

I received this book free of charge from BookLook Bloggers.

Check out the book here: