Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Real-Life Romance by Rhonda Stoppe Review, Party and Prize Pack Giveaway!

About the Book:

Do you believe in true love?
In a world of broken relationships and hurting people, it can seem like all we ever see is heartache-that marriages are doomed from the start and romance isn't worth the risk.
But heart-fluttering, long-lasting love is all around us...we just have to look for it!
This collection of beautiful, real-life accounts will bring laughter and tears as you enjoy each story of ordinary people who found extraordinary love. Page after page, you will find inspiration to
-rekindle the romance in your love story
-trust in God's providence and timing
-faithfully hope for your own happily-ever-after
-celebrate true romance
-believe in life-long love
Don't let the world define romance for you! See how God is at work in the hearts of His people-knitting together hearts in a love that forever endures.

My review:

This was a wonderful book with such inspiring true stories! They were about people from all walks of life, from teenagers to people past middle age.  She even has the story of Nick, a man somewhat well-known, born without arms or legs, has a wonderful speaking ministry, has written books and is now married with two children.  They weren't perfect romances, as pretty much everyone had to go through some trial, either before they met, during their courtship or after they were married.  It was amazing to see how God worked to bring the couples together.  Some broke up only to get back together later in God's timing. There were pictures of each couple at the beginning of their chapter and you can even go on Rhonda's website to hear their stories in their own words!  This almost felt like a devotional as each chapter had a section called "Ponder This" and "Ask Yourself," where you think about your relationship with God and how to apply the thoughts to your life. She had wonderful advice both for singles and married couples.  I highly recommend this book for anyone, from true romantics to those needing some hope that true love is really out there!

I received this book free from Litfuse Publicity in exchange for an honest review.

More reviews here!
About the Author:

Rhonda Stoppe is the No Regrets Woman. With more than 20 years of experience as a pastor's wife, mom, mentor, author, and speaker, Rhonda uses humor and honest communication to help women build No Regrets Lives. She and her husband live their real-life romance in northern California, and have four grown children and eight grandchildren.
Find out more about Rhonda at http://www.rhondastoppe

Whether you're single and looking for a reason to believe in love or a parent watching your own child fall in love, Real-Life Romance by Rhonda Stoppe will inspire you to believe in life-long love. This collection of beautiful, real-life accounts will bring laughter and tears as you enjoy each story of ordinary people who found extraordinary love. Don't let the world define romance for you! See how God is at work in the hearts of His people-knitting together hearts in a love that forever endures.  

Join Rhonda and other real-life romancers on March 6 for a Facebook Live party, plus enter to win the Make Your Own Real-Life Romance prize pack!

One grand prize winner will receive:
  • One copy of Real-Life Romance
  • A $50 restaurant gift card
  • A $25 movie gift card
Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on March 6. The winner will be announced at Rhonda's Facebook Live Party. RSVP for a chance to connect with Rhonda and other readers, as well as for a chance to win other prizes!

RSVP today and spread the word-tell your friends about the giveaway and Facebook Live party via social media and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 6th!

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Excellent! 'The Saturday Night Supper Club' - A Supper Club Novel 1 - by Carla Laureano

This was a wonderful story that will make your mouth water!  There were so many yummy dishes I wanted to try.  Rachel Bishop is an award-winning chef running a restaurant in Denver when an article mentioning a sexist critic's remarks about her restaurant goes viral.  Rachel hates the spotlight but blurts out a statement taken the wrong way and suddenly there's a Twitter campaign against her.  Her partners force her out and she's not sure what to do.  She's a pariah in the restaurant business.

Alex Kanin had no idea what would happen when he wrote anonymously about a Denver chef and a critic or that Rachel would lose her restaurant.  He feels responsible and vows to make it up to her.  He feels so guilty he's developed writer's block, so the quicker he can fix Rachel's life the better.  She comes up with a pop-up supper club idea where they make some meals for influential people and, with his connections to possible investors, it seems like a win-win.  Alex comes to find there's more to Rachel than just being a chef and Alex isn't the jerk she thought he was.  The only problem might be resisting the attraction between them.

This was a well-written story with some cute romantic elements and some funny banter.  There were many moments that made me laugh and plenty that made me want to eat!  I loved both characters as Alex was such a stand-up guy who wanted to do the right thing, even if it hurt, and Rachel was so talented and yet kept herself cut off from love because of what she'd gone through in the past.  They talked about their faith journeys a little bit and prayed for guidance.  I liked Rachel's gratitude journal.  It's incredibly important to find things to be thankful for and yet can be really hard sometimes.  It was interesting to find out some background to Alex's story as he grew up in a Russian household in America; it gave the story a unique element.  I also liked the bits about his rock climbing.  Rachel's friends were great!  They were always there for her and the next book is about her friend, Melody.  I can't wait!  The story dealt with some different issues, like not living up to your parents' expectations, finding your identity, low self-esteem and social media.  There were a few things that felt open-ended but I'm hoping we get answers in the coming books.  I highly recommend it!

I received this book free from Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for an honest review.

First Chapter pdf
Author Q & A

Author Bio

C. E. Laureano
C. E. Laureano
Carla Laureano is the RITA® Award-winning author of contemporary inspirational romance and Celtic fantasy (as C.E. Laureano). A graduate of Pepperdine University, she worked as a sales and marketing executive for nearly a decade before leaving corporate life behind to write fiction full-time. She currently lives in Denver with her husband and two sons, where she writes during the day and cooks things at night.