About the author:
in a Jewish home in New Jersey, Rabbi Jason Sobel dedicated much of his
life in pursuit of a spiritual connection with God. After years of
seeking and studying, he encountered God and found his true destiny as a
Jewish follower of Yeshua (Jesus). Suddenly, all the traditions Rabbi
Jason grew up with took on new depth and meaning as God connected the
ancient wisdom of the Torah with the teachings of the Messiah. Rabbi
Jason received his rabbinic ordination from the UMJC (Union of
Messianic Jewish Congregations) in 2005. He has a B.A. in Jewish Studies
(Moody) and an M.A. in Intercultural Studies (Southeastern Seminary).
He is a sought-after speaker and has made multiple appearances on
national television, including the Trinity Broadcasting Network, the
Daystar Network, and the Dr. Oz Show. Rabbi Jason is the author of Breakthrough: Living a Life That Overflows, Aligning with God's Appointed Times, and Mysteries of the Messiah and he is also the coauthor of New York Times bestseller The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi with Kathie Lee Gifford. You can learn more at www.rabbisobel.com.
Excerpt: As a young Jewish boy growing up on the streets of New
Jersey, I encountered many things that influenced me. My parents and their
faith were my heritage, but my friends and their ways were different. It was a
little challenging to reconcile everything. But while I became fluent in the
culture, even learning how to “rap with my homies,” I remained faithful to our
Jewish tradition. Not just because I had to but because I wanted to. Yet I
often felt there was something more.
At the age of sixteen I found myself one day in a state of
meditation. This was something I did regularly as I attempted to figure out
things in the midst of a world that was constantly pulling me away from spiritual
things. It was an ordinary day but a truly extraordinary experience in that I
had a personal encounter with Yeshua. This was the first time I’d ever felt as
though the Lord was speaking directly to me. It was so unbelievable and yet so
real, and I will never forget His words. He said, “Many are called, but few are
In my innermost being I knew exactly what he was saying, but
I needed to ask, “Lord, am I chosen?”
He sweetly smiled and replied, “Yes.”
I was overcome by the peace and presence of God— energized
and in awe of the experience. I felt as if I were in a state of euphoria. This
filling, which was much like an indwelling, kept me in a state of deep
contentment. I ran down the steps and into my front yard. Not caring who was
watching, I jumped up and down, screaming at the top of my lungs, “I am called
to serve Him! I am called to serve Him!”
At this same moment my mom pulled into the driveway and saw
her good little Jewish son running around in circles like a crazy man for all
the neighbors to gawk at. Surely she thought I was mashugana (a Yiddish
term describing a person who is nonsensical or silly). I didn’t care; I was so
elated by the fact that God, the God who created the universe, wanted to use
Although she did not understand what was happening to me, my
mother did not want to rain on my parade. There was only one problem. I
wondered, What does it look like for a nice Jewish boy to begin serving Yeshua?
I had no clue.
My best friend was John. I met him as part of a wannabe
Filipino gang. We became close, practicing martial arts together and discussing
spiritual things. By this time, John had become a believer in Yeshua and talked
about it with me as often as possible. One day he called and asked, “You went
to Hebrew school as a child, right? Do you think you could tell the difference
between the Old and New Testaments if I read you some passages?”
I said, “Sure.”
He read me a passage about this guy dying on a cross and
asked if it was from the Old or New Testament.
I said, “Obviously it’s from the New Testament because it’s
talking about Jesus.”
He read another passage: “He was pierced for our
transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities. . . . He was led like a lamb
to the slaughter.” Then he asked, “Is this from the Old or New Testament?”
I said, “It must be from the New Testament because it sounds
like it’s talking about Jesus.”
John paused, then said, “It’s from the Old Testament, from
Isaiah 53 (vv. 5, 7 niv). Isaiah was a Jewish prophet who lived seven hundred
years before the Messiah was born.”
That got my attention.
After our conversation I agreed to go with John to the
messianic synagogue led by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, who would later write the
highly acclaimed and bestselling book The Harbinger.
During the service, Rabbi Cahn talked about being “born
anew,” but I didn’t think a good Jewish boy should ever do that. However, when
he gave the invitation, I stood up. Rabbi Cahn led me in a prayer to receive
Yeshua. My friend had prayed to lead one Jewish person to faith in Messiah
Jesus, but he never thought it would be me.
After the service I was given the first New Testament I had
ever seen. I took it home, not quite sure what had just happened, and hid it in
my room— God forbid my parents should find it. Of course, Mom did find it and
confronted me: “What is this? Don’t tell me you’re a Jew thinking about
believing in Jesus!”
By then, I had read the New Testament and believed that
Jesus was the One that Moses and the prophets had foretold. He was the One who
spoke the words of eternal life.
My mom was concerned and called our rabbi to meet with me. I
knew I needed to verify for myself that Yeshua was the Messiah of the Hebrew
Bible. As I studied in preparation for my meeting with the rabbi, I made a list
of all the messianic promises and prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures that I
could find. I wanted to make sure I clearly understood and could articulate
what I believed about the Messiah based on the Hebrew Bible and Jewish sources.
The rabbi asked me how I had come to believe in Yeshua as
the Messiah, and I read all the passages that had impacted me.
I believe that by discovering the connections between the
Old Testament and New Testament, your life can be transformed like mine. I
liken it to experiencing your faith in high definition. When you “see” Jesus
and the Bible in HD, you enjoy greater richness, sharpness, and clarity of
details that you would have otherwise missed.
Taken from “Mysteries of the Messiah: Unveiling Divine
Connections from Genesis to Today” by Rabbi Jason Sobel. Copyright 2021 by
Rabbi Jason Sobel. Used with permission from Thomas Nelson Publishing.
Watch more videos of Rabbi Jason Sobel sharing about Mysteries of the Messiah on YouTube.