Friday, March 8, 2013

Deeply Loved by Keri Wyatt Kent

Day 21: Confession

This is a little different review for me.  I'm just looking at the chapter on confession now and at the end of the month will do a review on the full book.

Keri Kent talks about the importance of confession to our relationship with Jesus. She gives an example of her daughter confessing to her when she was a child and how that mirrors our confession to our Heavenly Father.  When we confess wrong thoughts and actions, we receive grace and forgiveness and comfort.  It strengthens the bond because you trust Him enough to tell Him, even though He already knows!  Jesus views us with compassion and love and wants to help us, just as a loving parent would feel toward their child.

I like how the author points out the different benefits of confession.  There's a section at the end called "Presence Practice, " where she gives some actions to do such as prayer, reading from the Bible, and reflecting on our behavior and confessing.  This chapter is only four pages, but it makes a lot of good points.  I'm really looking forward to reading the rest of the book!

I received this book free from Abingdon Press in exchange for an honest review.

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