Saturday, June 29, 2013

Claudia, Wife of Pontius Pilate by Diana Wallis Taylor

 Cover Art  This is an interesting fictional account of Claudia, the wife of Pontius Pilate and believed to be the granddaughter of Caesar Augustus.  She's mentioned in one of the gospels when she has a dream about Jesus before He was tried by her husband and tried to warn him to not have anything to do with Him.  The story starts out with her as a child, banished with her mother and grandmother because of her mother's indiscretions.  When she's a teenager she's brought to the new emperor Tiberius as his ward.  She lives in the palace and wonders what's to become of her.  She's finally married to Pontius Pilate and moves with him to Judea where he must try to keep the peace between the Romans and Jews.  When Jesus comes on the scene, tensions mount and she wonders if He is who He says He is and the effect this could have on her family and the people.

This is a well-written story about a very hard time to be a woman.  Having no say in who she'd marry or what her life will be like, Claudia must make the best of it.  She had some very hard things happen to her and I admired her resilience and determination to help her husband even when he made some huge mistakes.  It's always interesting to learn what a Biblical character may have been like and I feel I understand her and Pilate a bit better.  I enjoyed this story and look forward to reading her other Biblical novels!    

 I received this book free from Revell in exchange for an honest review.

Available June 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

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