Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Fascinating Debut! ' Until Our Time Comes' - by Nicole M. Miller


About the book:

American horse trainer Adia Kensington is living her dream of working at the famous Janów Podlaski stables in Poland, where they breed the best Arabian horses in the world. But her plans to bring the priceless stallion Lubor to the US are derailed when the German army storms into her adopted country in 1939. Little does she know this is just the beginning of six long years of occupation that will threaten her beloved horses at every turn.

Major Bret Conway is at Janów Podlaski under the guise of a news reporter, but his true mission is intelligence gathering for the British. That and keeping Adia safe, which is harder and harder to do as she insists they must evacuate 250 horses to save them from being stolen, sold, or eaten by the invading forces. What follows will test their physical, mental, and emotional strength, as well as their faith in God, humankind, and each other.

Drawn from true events of World War II, this epic story of escape, capture, resistance, and love from debut novelist Nicole M. Miller will thunder into your heart like a herd of beautiful horses across a raging river.

My review:

It was fascinating to see all these people endured to save their beloved horses and the legacy and lineage of the Arabian line.  Adia was an amazing and brave woman to do all she did in this story, determined, altruistic and self-sacrificing.  She was always taking care of animals and orphans.  Bret, too, was incredibly brave to spy right under the noses of the Nazis and the Russians.  He also was very protective of Adia and an orphan boy, even when it made his life harder.  There was a lot of suspense in the story as danger was around every corner and part of the story had them trying to track down runaway horses while trying to evade soldiers.  There was some romance and a little bit about faith as Bret and Adia struggle to understand God's plan in the horror they're enduring.  There were also some hard scenes as it's shown what the situation was like while living in an occupied country but mostly the story was hopeful as they looked to a brighter future.  I enjoyed learning about a new aspect of WWII.  I definitely recommend this book!

I received a free copy of this book from the author.  I was not compensated for reviewing this book.  All opinions are my own.

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