Monday, January 29, 2018

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Amazing! 'Unimaginable: What Our World Would Be Like Without Christianity' - by Jeremiah J. Johnston

Unimaginable: What Our World Would Be Like Without Christianity Book Cover Unimaginable: What Our World Would Be Like Without Christianity 
Jeremiah J. Johnston
Bethany House Publishers
December 5, 2017

Is God Dying?

That's what some people think and want. They say Christian beliefs and our way of life aren't relevant anymore. But what critics and even many churchgoers don't realize is the life-changing importance of Christianity.
Showing how the world would be a dark place without Christianity, Unimaginable guides you through the halls of history to see how Jesus' teachings dramatically changed our world and continue to be the most powerful force for good today. Learn . . .
  • How Christianity has stood against the evils of slavery (more than once), racism, eugenics, and injustices toward women and children
  • Why democracy, freedom as a universal value, and modern education and legal systems owe much to Christianity
  • How Christians throughout the ages have demonstrated the value of human life by sacrificially caring for the sick, handicapped, marginalized, and dying
  • How people of faith are extending God's kingdom through charities, social justice efforts, mental health initiatives, and other profound ways
This provocative and enlightening book is for anyone concerned about where our world is heading.|

My review:

What an amazing book!  It was fascinating to learn more about what the world was like before Jesus came on the scene.  Our view of God as loving is so opposite to how the Greeks and Romans viewed their gods, who were either indifferent or treated humans horribly.  The world was a fearful place, with sickness and death rampant, women treated unjustly, slavery and superstition everywhere along with fear of death and the deceased.  It was a common practice to abandon unwanted babies, mostly girls, to die of exposure, starvation or by wild animals.  Racism was common.  It truly sounded like a horrible time to live, for just about everyone.  As Christianity rose and spread, these practices changed.  Christians started caring for the sick and abandoned children, women were treated better, racism went down, etc., for hundreds of years. 

The next section looked at some of the men born in the 1800's such as Darwin, Marx, Neitzsche and Freud who turned their backs on God and Christianity, embraced atheism and advanced their theories of racism, socialism, communism, etc. that men like Hitler, Stalin and others used to justify their murder of millions of people.  The effect of their theories is still felt everywhere.  It's amazing to me that people still think their ideas are the way to believe when you can see the outcome in history and where these ideas lead logically.  If you believe in survival of the fittest and that there is no God, then how can you say there's a morality to abide by.  You have nothing to base it on if not for God.

The final section looks at the amazing impact Christianity and faith based organizations have had on the world.  From starting and maintaining hospitals to disaster relief, feeding the hungry in America and abroad, social programs, mental health programs, starting the first universities, etc. etc., the world would be a much darker place if not for Christians living out their faith in the past and continuing on today.  This book really made me think of the deep and lasting impact Christianity has had on the world for good and appreciate the time and place in which I live.  I recommend this book for everyone, Christian or not!

I received this book free from Cross Focused Reviews in exchange for an honest review.

Jeremiah J. Johnston, PhD, is a New Testament scholar and frequent contributor to national publications and shows, including USA Today, Fox News, CNN, RelevantThe Christian Post, and numerous other media outlets. Known for his unique communication skills and his infectious love for people, Jeremiah ministers internationally in partnership with the Museum of the Bible and is president of the Christian Thinkers Society, a resident institute at Houston Baptist University, where he serves as Associate Professor of Early Christianity. He is the author of Unanswered: Lasting Truth for Trending Questions. Jeremiah and his family live in Houston. Learn more at

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Monday, January 8, 2018

Excellent! 'Light of Dawn' - The Remnant Series 3 - by Vannetta Chapman

Light of Dawn

About the book:

Before Dawn, What Dangers Lurk in the Darkness?
For nine months, since a devastating solar flare caused a complete failure of the electrical grid, Shelby Sparks and her diabetic son, Carter, have been living at the ranch of Shelby’s high school sweetheart, Max Berkman.

Mostly insulated from the chaos surrounding them, Shelby and Max discover that the Texas government has fled the capitol and is barely maintaining control of the state. The governor needs volunteers to search for the new federal government, but no one knows exactly where it might be located—if it even still exists—or what perils await those brave enough to take on the mission.

Compelled by Carter’s desperate need for insulin and their God-given sense of duty, Shelby and Max answer the governor’s call and set out on a treacherous 600-mile journey, where they will experience the terrifying effects of unrestrained anarchy. If they have the faith and fortitude necessary to reach their destination, what will they find when they get there?

In this thrilling conclusion to the Remnant trilogy, America is left teetering between total collapse and the dawn of a new and vastly different reality.

My review:

This was another winner in the Remnant series!  There was always something surprising happening, some truly out of the blue events, and of course, plenty of action!  There was some romance as some people started pairing off and it was nice to get some closure on some things.    We get the perspectives of Max, Shelby and Carter and I really like the unique viewpoint they each bring.  Max and Shelby think quite a bit about their faith, fighting to trust God more amid so much chaos while Carter struggles a bit more with believing when bad things keep happening to good people.  This book really made me grateful for the conveniences we still have but also wondering what I would do in their situation and how prepared am I?  There's an author's note in the back where she talks about some of the new technologies and also the likelihood of a large solar storm happening in the next ten years, which according to NASA is twelve percent.  There have been large solar storms in 2003, 2011, 2012, 2013 an 2015 but obviously not to the extent of the one in the book, at least not yet.  It was fascinating to learn about some of the new technologies out there, some of which are actually being used today!  I'm sad to see this series end but it was a fun ride while it lasted!  I highly recommend this whole series!

I received this book free from Harvest House Publishers in exchange for an honest review.

Meet the author

Vannetta Chapman

Vannetta Chapman

Vannetta Chapman writes inspirational fiction full of grace, including romantic suspense and Amish romance novels. Chapman was a teacher for 15 years and currently writes full-time. She lives in the Texas Hill Country with her husband, pets, and a herd of deer.  
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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Loved It! 'Death at Thorburn Hall' - Drew Farthering Mysteries 6 - by Julianna Deering

Cover Art

About the book:

Investigating a suspicious accident leads Drew on a path that points to international intrigue and ever-growing danger
Drew Farthering arrives in idyllic Scotland for the 1935 British Open at Muirfield, hoping for a relaxing holiday with his wife, Madeline, and friend Nick. But death meets him once again when Lord Rainsby, their host at Thorburn Hall, is killed in a suspicious riding accident--only days after confiding in Drew his fears that his business partner was embezzling funds.

Thorburn Hall is filled with guests, and as Drew continues to dig, he realizes that each appears to have dark motives for wanting Rainsby out of the way. Together with Madeline and Nick, he must sort through shady business dealings, international intrigue, and family tensions to find a killer who always seems to be one step ahead.

My review:

This was such a fun, fascinating read and I didn't want to put it down!  I loved the wit and banter, along with the intriguing mystery.  The characters were wonderful; Drew was funny, clever and a British gentleman.  His American wife was a great match for him and it was sweet to see how much they loved each other.  It was fun to watch them root for their friends to get together as it seemed to be a long time coming.  I haven't read the other books in the series yet, but I'm going to be changing that soon!  There was some talk about events from previous books, but I didn't feel lost.  It reminded me a little of Downton Abbey because of the setting, even though it does take place later.  The mystery was very interesting and it was a bit hard to figure out.  There was talk about Hitler and what was happening in Germany leading up to the war, which I always find fascinating.  Drew and Madeline had more of a quiet faith; Madeline talked about trusting in God and Drew also talked some about his faith.  There was also some exciting action.  I absolutely loved this book and highly recommend it!

I received this book free from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest review.

 The Author

  1. Julianna Deering
    Photo courtesy of Tonya Sides Photography

    Julianna Deering

    Julianna Deering is the creator of the acclaimed Drew Farthering Mystery series. She has always loved British history and is a particular fan of the writings of Dorothy Sayers and Agatha Christie. She graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas with a...
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