About the book:
When stable hand Nolan Price learns
from his dying mother that he is actually the son of the Earl of
Stainsby, his plans for a future with kitchen maid Hannah Burnham are
shattered. Once he is officially acknowledged as the earl’s heir,
Nolan will be forbidden to marry beneath his station.
Unwilling to give up the girl he
loves, he devises a plan to elope--believing once their marriage is
sanctioned by God that Lord Stainsby will be forced to accept their
union. However, as Nolan struggles to learn the ways of the aristocracy,
he finds himself caught between his dreams for tomorrow and his
father’s demanding expectations.
Forces work to keep the couple apart
at every turn, and a solution to remain together seems farther and
farther away. With Nolan’s new life pulling him irrevocably away from
Hannah, it seems only a miracle will bring them back together.
My review:
There was never a dull moment in this book! From Nolan learning he's the son of an earl to plans to elope to the earl's manipulative ways, there was just constant action and tension. Misunderstandings abounded and it got a little frustrating for me that people didn't just talk things through. I liked Nolan but felt frustrated with him much of the time for his choices; I liked Hannah more and I had more sympathy because of the hard things she'd had to endure in life. The earl made me angry for being so underhanded and I didn't know where the story would go for him; I was pleasantly surprised. Both Hannah and Nolan needed to deal with some emotional baggage from their pasts; pride, insecurity and trust were major issues characters had to deal with in this book. There's also a great reminder that God loves us unconditionally and we shouldn't base our worth on what other people think. It's amazing to think how important social classes were to people during this time in England's history and how much it dictated their lives. It's also amazing to me the different way women were viewed, on one hand protected and revered if they were upper class and if they were lower, they feared they would be fired or accused of making a fuss if they complained about unwanted advances. I'm glad we've come so far, for the most part. There were some sweet romantic moments and some action. The book is well-written; I just feel that the plot wasn't for me. If you like historical fiction with a lot of drama, then check it out!
I received this book free from Litfuse Publicity in exchange for an honest review.
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Author Information

Susan Anne Mason’s debut historical novel
, Irish Meadows,
won the Fiction from the Heartland contest from the Mid-American
Romance Authors Chapter of RWA. Also a member of ACFW, Susan lives
outside of Toronto, Ontario, with her husband
and two children. She can be found online at www.susanannemason.com.