Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Christmas Quilt - Quilts of Love - by Vannetta Chapman

About the book: Annie's life is deliciously full as the Christmas season approaches. She helps her husband, Samuel, attend to the community's minor medical needs. She occasionally assists Belinda, the local midwife, and most days, she finds herself delivering the buggy to her brother Adam. Annie's sister-in-law Leah is due to deliver their first child before Christmas morning, and Annie is determined to finish a crib quilt before the boppli arrives. With six weeks to go, she should have no problem . . . but God may have a different plan. Leah is rushed to the English hospital when the infant arrives early, and Annie discovers the Christmas quilt may hold a far greater significance than she ever imagined.

My review: I enjoyed this cozy story about two Amish women who go through a difficult season together, but come through stronger in their faith because of it.  Hard times cause us to really focus on what matters and I liked how Leah and her husband realized how they had drifted apart.   Even though this seems to be a stand-alone, it felt like there might have been a previous story about Annie and when she met her husband.  However, each of the Quilts of Love books are meant to be read on their own.  I thought it was fascinating how Leah and Annie told stories as they finished the quilt and the meaning they held.  I love the sense of community I've seen in most Amish stories and that is very evident in this one.  Be sure to add this story to your Christmas line-up!

I received a free copy of this book from Abingdon Press in exchange for an honest review.

Excerpt here.

Image of Vannetta Chapman

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