Wednesday, September 28, 2016

This Road We Traveled - by Jane Kirkpatrick

Cover Art

About the book:

Tabitha Brown refuses to be left behind in Missouri when her son makes the decision to strike out for Oregon--even if she has to hire her own wagon to join the party. After all, family ties are stronger than fear.

Along with her reluctant daughter and her ever-hopeful granddaughter, the intrepid Tabitha has her misgivings. The trials they face along the way will severely test her faith, courage, and ability to hope. With her family's survival on the line, she must make the ultimate sacrifice, plunging deeper into the wilderness to seek aid. What she couldn't know was how this frightening journey would impact how she understood her own life--and the greater part she had to play in history.

With her signature attention to detail and epic style, New York Times bestselling author Jane Kirkpatrick invites you to travel the deadly and enticing Oregon Trail. Based on actual events, This Road We Traveled inspires the pioneer in all of us.

My review:

This is a true story about a woman known as "The Mother of Oregon."   What an inspiring and fascinating woman!  Tabitha lived a full and adventurous life and it was especially amazing to see this older, disabled woman setting out on the Oregon Trail!  She had her shortcomings and regrets, but her bravery and trust in God were wonderful to see.  There were many instances where she prayed for guidance and safety and imparted her faith to her children and grandchildren.  It was also interesting to see from her daughter and granddaughter's perspectives as her daughter didn't want to go, but her teenage granddaughter was excited for the adventure.  There was a lot of hardship, accidents, starvation, Indian attacks and deaths, but also a lot of community and helping each other and Indians sharing their food just when they needed it.  There was a little bit of romance and some discussion of literature and art, which I enjoyed.  They were an educated family and Tabitha had been a teacher.  If you like historical fiction, you would probably enjoy this.

I received this book free from Revell in exchange for an honest review.

 The Author

  1. Jane Kirkpatrick

    Jane Kirkpatrick

    Jane Kirkpatrick is the New York Times and CBA bestselling author of more than twenty-five books, including A Sweetness to the Soul, which won the coveted Wrangler Award from the Western Heritage Center. Her works have been...
    Continue reading about Jane Kirkpatrick 

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