Monday, September 29, 2014

The Stress Cure: Praying Your Way to Personal Peace - by Linda Evans Shepherd

Cover Art

About the book:

We live in a world filled to the brim with advice, and when it comes to dealing with stress, there's plenty of advice to go around. Sleep more, eat better, avoid this, seek out that. But more ideas about how to cope are not necessarily what we need if we're stressed and anxious.

What we need is a cure.

The true remedy to stress, Linda Evans Shepherd says, is prayer. In this inspiring book, she shows you how to recognize God's continual presence in your life and yield your troubles to the Prince of Peace. Through captivating stories, explorations of fascinating biblical characters, and examples of deeper-than-ever prayers, she brings within your grasp the peace that passes understanding. If you are overwhelmed by all of the urgent demands on your time, this book offers you a lifeline to true peace.

My review:

This was an amazing book!  Shepherd starts the book with showing us we need the Holy Spirit to "give us the supernatural  peace of Christ that will help us de-stress, " and the way to do that is to yield through prayer. There are chapters that focus on being overwhelmed, frustrated, anxious, etc., with the author looking at what caused us to feel this way in the first place and what we can do to get out from under it.  At the end of each chapter, she has a verse or verses to read with a couple of lines to write how it applies to you, then some prayers where you ask God to reveal areas you're struggling in, yield these things to God, ask for help forgiving, a prayer for healing, a prayer where you exchange the enemy's work for God's peace, and then a thank you for being free.

I loved the interesting stories she told both from her life and other people, including well-written fictionalized accounts of stories from the Bible.  The story of her disabled daughter was especially inspiring.  Shepherd is no stranger to stress!  I also liked the quotes and passages she used from other authors, such as Max Lucado.  This book really made me look at my stress and how I'm reacting to my circumstances.  It definitely challenged me in my attitudes and what I need to do to find peace.  I liked that she kept pointing out we need God's help to make these changes.  This is a book I'll be referring to again and again, since I'm sure I'll need the reminder!  I definitely recommend this book for anyone looking for relief from stress!

I received this book free from Revell in exchange for an honest review.

Linda Evans Shepherd is an award-winning author, a popular speaker, and a radio personality. The president of Right to the Heart Ministries, she is the author of When You Don't Know What to Pray and Experiencing God's Presence. She and her husband live in Colorado. Learn more at

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