Sunday, November 9, 2014

The One Year Hearing His Voice Devotional - by Chris Tiegreen

This is a wonderful, insightful devotional I really enjoyed!  It consists of reading one page a day for a whole year with a verse written out at the beginning, the devotional, and then a prayer at the end.  Some of the devotions are written as if God is speaking directly to you and others use personal experiences or that of Biblical characters or Christians in history to show what someone else has experienced as they learn to listen for God's voice.

The author points out in the beginning that we need to believe that God still speaks in order to hear His voice. He also points out that when God speaks, it usually comes from within because that's where the Holy Spirit resides. He also says if you focus too much on trying to hear God's voice rather than focusing on God and your relationship with Him, you'll probably end up frustrated.  By putting the relationship first, everything else will fall into place.

Those are just some of the good points the author makes among so many.  This book is rich with insight and helpful information.  He continuously points the way to God and keeping our focus on deepening our relationship with Him.  I highly recommend this awesome devotional!

I received this book free from Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for an honest review.

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