Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Kindle Giveaway, Blog Tour, Review and Author Chat Party with Colleen Coble

About the book:

A Heart's Disguise (Thomas Nelson, March 2015)

In the aftermath of the Civil War, a young woman searches for her lost love at the edge of the West.

The Civil War has destroyed Sarah Montgomery's marriage before it's even begun.

After Sarah receives word that her fiancé, Rand Campbell, has been killed fighting for the Union, her brothers and ailing father persuade her to pledge herself to Ben Croftner---despite her strong misgivings. But when Sarah finds out that Rand is in fact alive---and that Ben Croftner knew it---she indignantly breaks off the engagement and goes in search of Rand.

But Ben Croftner does not take rejection lightly---and a single woman with a sick father makes an easy target. When Sarah is abducted by her treacherous fiancé, Rand finally comes to her aid . . . only to reveal that he has been posted at Fort Laramie, Wyoming, and intends to take her there as his wife.

But could Sarah leave her dying father's side for the love of her life? And what plans are forming in the jealous heart of Ben Croftner?

My review:

I liked this story, but it felt more superficial and like too many events were packed into it's size.  I felt for Sarah and how she was deceived by Ben and mistreated by her brother.  I can't understand marrying for anything other than love, but getting away from her brother would be a pretty good reason!  I was frustrated by Rand's distrust of Sarah and how he wouldn't really listen to her a few times.  She didn't seem to be treated very well by the men in her life, other than her father.  There's some talk about God and how she's angry with Him for taking Rand; the pastor has a cool way of explaining how we can't see God's plan from where we are and how it looks like the back of an embroidery project, chaotic, to us, but if we could only see the other side, God's perspective, it's beautiful.  The story's fast moving and there's some excitement.  I was frustrated with the way this story ended, especially with Rand's attitude.  I'm hoping the next one turns out better for Sarah!  You might like this story if you like historical romance.

I received this book free from Litfuse Publicity in exchange for an honest review.

Purchase a copy: http://bit.ly/1b01Z1h 

About the author:

Colleen Coble
has sold over 2 million novels worldwide. Seagrass Pier, the third installment in her acclaimed Hope Beach series, marks a new highpoint for emotion and complexity in Coble's addictive brand of romantic suspense.

Find Colleen online: website, Twitter, Facebook
In the midst of end-of-war celebrations, Sarah discovers her betrothed was keeping a devastating secret in Colleen Coble's A Heart's Disguise. Will Sarah leave her dying father’s side for the only man she’s ever loved? And what plans are forming in the jealous heart of Ben Croftner?

Celebrate book one in Colleen's A Journey of the Heart series by entering to win a Kindle Fire and RSVPing to her May 5th author chat party!


One grand prize winner will receive:
  • A Kindle Fire
  • A copy of A Heart's Disguise
  • A copy of A Heart's Obsession (blog tour coming in April)
  • A copy of The Inn at Ocean's Edge (blog tour coming in April)
Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on May 7th. Winner will be announced May 8th on Colleen's website. Plus be sure to clear your calendar on the evening of May 5th because Colleen is hosting an author chat party on Facebook to celebrate her A Journey of the Heart series and the release of The Inn at Ocean's Edge! RSVP here!


RSVP today and spread the word—tell your friends about the giveaway via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on May 5th!

Monday, March 30, 2015

The Day I Met Jesus: The Revealing Diaries of Five Women from the Gospels - by Frank Viola & Mary DeMuth

Cover Art

About the book:

Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ met face-to-face with people just like you. Broken, imperfect, sometimes fearful and without hope. The Day I Met Jesus is a beautifully crafted narrative that chronicles the remarkable encounters of five women in the Gospels who were desperate to find wholeness, security, and purpose. Like all of us, these women struggled with the regrets of their pasts, the stresses of their presents, and the worries of their tomorrows.

Join Frank Viola and Mary DeMuth on a fascinating journey back in time as they retell the dramatic accounts of five women who met Jesus. Each narrative is told from each woman's unique perspective, yet tightly grounded in the Gospel accounts and faithful to first-century history. Elegantly written and profoundly stirring, this book blends creative narrative with uncommon insight, spiritual depth, and practical application.

If you are someone who seeks a renewal of hope, faith, and love, The Day I Met Jesus will make your Bible come to life and usher you into a fresh encounter with your Lord.

My review:

This was an amazing book!  I've read these stories in the Bible many times, but this book brought out so many details and insights into the culture I never knew.  The fictionalized sections were very well-written from the first person and really make you feel like you're in this woman's shoes.  Then it includes the actual Bible text and a section called "Walking It Out," where details are pointed out in the context of the culture and how women were treated at the time.  It also applies it to your life and shows how we are all like these women in that we are all sinners, yet all forgiven and shown grace.  You can probably relate to at least one of these women and the struggles they had, even if not in the same circumstances.  It especially shows how Jesus treated women with dignity and as equals in a culture where most people didn't treat them that way.  While this book is aimed more for women, I think men would find it fascinating also.  It has a lot of good information, both historically and to apply to your life right now.  I highly recommend this book!

I received this book free from Baker Books in exchange for an honest review.

 The Authors

  1. Frank Viola

    Frank Viola

    Frank Viola has helped thousands of people around the world to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ and enter into a more vibrant and authentic experience of church. He has written many books on these themes, including God's Favorite Place on...
    Continue reading about Frank Viola
  2. Mary DeMuth

    Mary DeMuth

    Mary DeMuth is a former church planter in France and the author of more than sixteen nonfiction and fiction books. A sought-after speaker and longtime blogger, she has overcome (through Jesus's healing) a difficult childhood full of neglect, abuse, and...
    Continue reading about Mary DeMuth 

Free E-Books, 2 Through Tuesday at Midnight!

Heaven: Biblical Answers to Common Questions (booklet) Free booklet from multiple vendors through 4/4!  Other sale books also available at the link.



Free from multiple vendors through Tuesday at midnight!


Saturday, March 28, 2015

Free and Sale Kindle Books, One Through 29th Only!

Free for kindle!


Free for kindle!


Free for kindle!


Free for kindle!


Free for kindle!


Only .99 for kindle!


Free for kindle through 29th!


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Serving Up a Sweetheart - A Year of Weddings Novella - by Cheryl Wyatt

About the book:

They’ve helped orchestrate the perfect day for countless couples. Now twelve new couples will find themselves in the wedding spotlight in the second Year of Weddings novella collection.
Meadow knows how to serve delicious food to match any wedding theme. But can she accept love when it's served up on a silver platter?
During one of the biggest weeks of her catering career, Meadow Larson’s kitchen roof caves in after an unrelenting blizzard. She has to accept help from the last person on earth she wants to see: Colin McGrath. The tormentor from her past is now a contractor, her new neighbor—and the only person available to take on a project of this size.
Colin is aware God has given him a second chance to make things right with Meadow after bullying her in high school. After years of regret and guilt, Colin is determined to earn her respect and forgiveness, no matter what it takes.

It’ll take an extreme kitchen renovation, several cooking lessons, a little lace, and a lot of grace, but God is using this renovation project not only to restore Meadow’s heart, but also to restore Colin’s integrity in her eyes. Will Meadow learn to trust the new Colin even as their relationship grows from a business exchange to something more meaningful?

My review:

I enjoyed this cute story about second chances!  I really liked both of the main characters.  Meadow was funny and quirky and Colin was truly trying to show Meadow he was now a man of God and worthy of her trust.  There were some humorous moments and also some sweet romantic ones.  I really liked how Colin's relationship with God was portrayed; he seemed close to Him.  Meadow had more of a struggle trusting Colin and obeying what she felt God wanted her to do.  The parts about the catering business were interesting.  The story shows the harmful effects of bullying, even years after the fact.  It was inspiring to see someone rise above a horrible childhood and high school years to own her own business and be doing well.  I recommend this book if you like romance.

I received a kindle copy of the book free in exchange for an honest review.

This is only available as an e-book and audio.

Check it out here.

About the Author

Cheryl Wyatt writes romance with virtue. She’s earned RT Top Picks, spots #1 and #4 on her debut publisher’s Top 10 Most-Blogged-About-Books list, Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Award, Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence final, and other awards. Cheryl loves readers! Join her newsletter at www.CherylWyatt.com. Facebook: CherylWyattAuthor Twitter: @cherylwyatt

Monday, March 23, 2015

Life Unstuck - by Pat Layton

Cover Art

About the book:

No matter where you are today, the life you long for can be yours!
We all start life with the ability to dream, but somewhere along the way life gets sticky. We find ourselves wondering:

· Does anyone know me for who I really am?
· Am I going to have to "fake it" forever?
· What do I have to offer the world?
· How can I dream about tomorrow when I can't even handle today?
· Is this all my life will ever be?
· Do I dare to dream of more?

With passion and enthusiasm, Pat Layton invites you to imagine a life where you experience peace with the past, enjoy purpose in the present, and expect the possibilities that the future holds. With fresh personal tools and clear action steps, she delves deep into the areas we get stuck in the most and unveils the path to the life you long to live.

You are a one-of-a-kind design. Life Unstuck will help you live like you believe it!

My review:

I enjoyed this book and thought it had a lot of good information.  It really reminded me of how much God loves me and how He's thinking about me all of the time, like He is about every one of us!  She has a couple tools in the book, such as an unstuck assessment and a personality test, and a lot more at her website that she guides you to at the end of many of the chapters, such as a free study guide.  She gave a lot of personal examples of when she felt stuck, shared openly about an abortion she had that she deeply regrets and shared a lot of family stories that illustrated points she was trying to make.  I got a little tired of reading the word, "unstuck." It was used a lot and I did read the book in only a couple of days, so it was probably more noticeable because of that.  There is also some repeating, but I've found that to be true in other self-help type books I've read.  She has sections about the importance of making peace with your past, purpose in the present and passion for the future with six chapters in each where she breaks down topics to help you achieve your goals.  I really liked the reminders about trusting God and believing He sees everything going on in my life and that I need to trust the truth of God's Word and not my emotions or the lies of the enemy, Satan.  It's important to pay attention to what you tell yourself, too. You repeat something enough, you start to believe it.  I also appreciated her thoughts about unforgiveness keeping you stuck and realized I had some of that to deal with, too.  I think this book would be best digested a little at a time so you get the full impact.  I highly recommend this book for women who feel stuck!

I received this book free from Revell in exchange for an honest review.

 The Author

  1. Pat Layton

    Pat Layton

    Patricia Layton, founder and president of Life Impact Network (one of the nation's largest Sanctity of Life ministries), is a speaker, life coach, and author of A Life Surrendered and Life Unstuck. Founder of the national women's conference...
    Continue reading about Pat Layton 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

30 Events That Shaped the Church - by Alton Gansky

Cover Art

About the book:

Uncover the surprising history of the Christian church
The church of today did not appear on the earth fully formed; rather, it developed over the centuries. Following Jesus' command to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth, the apostles and their spiritual descendants have grown the church through times of peace and times of war, through persecution and pilgrimage. The church that began as a ragtag group of Middle Eastern fishermen, tax collectors, and zealots became the multiethnic, multifaceted church we know today through historical events that, while they may seem distant, have a direct effect on our everyday lives.

Now thirty of these course-altering events are brought vividly to life by consummate storyteller Alton Gansky. Spanning twenty centuries of history, this lively book will entertain, educate, and enlighten you even as it enriches your appreciation for those who have come before us in the faith.

My review:

This book is incredibly informative and fascinating to read!  The events span from the Pentecost to the rise of New Atheism happening right now presented in order by year.  Some were good events, some bad, but all influenced the church in a major way.  Most of the events I'd heard of, but didn't know how much influence they had had on the church.  There's fascinating background on the people involved, motivations and consequences.  Some events frustrated me and made me angry for how people treated others and used the church for their own ends.  Others were happy events that also influenced the world for the better.  Each chapters averages about seven pages, so it's easy to read one here and there or many in one sitting.  I thought the writing was well done.  Gansky really kept my attention;  he's had lots of writing experience as the author of many books, mostly fiction.  I highly recommend this book if you're interested in church history or even history in general!

I received this book free from Baker Books in exchange for an honest review.

 The Author

  1. Alton Gansky

    Alton Gansky

    Alton Gansky is the author of twenty-four novels and eight nonfiction books. He is a Carol Award winner and an Angel Award winner, and has been a Christy Award finalist. He holds a BA and an MA in biblical studies and has been awarded a Doctor of Literature...
    Continue reading about Alton Gansky 

The Bible's Answers to 100 of Life's Biggest Questions - by Norman L. Geisler & Jason Jimenez

Cover Art

About the book:

Clear, convincing answers to the toughest questions we face
We all have questions about faith. If there is a God, why is there evil in the world? Why would a loving God send people to hell? Can we trust modern translations of the Bible? Why did Jesus have to die? How can I know God's will for my life? What is God's position on things like abortion, cloning, same-sex marriage, capital punishment, and euthanasia? Should Christians be involved in politics?

With insight and precision, this comprehensive resource addresses one hundred penetrating questions that need satisfying answers, including controversial questions raging in the public sphere and personal questions about family issues, the purpose and meaning of life, and the future of the world.

My review:

This book is amazing!  It has so many questions I've thought about and I'm sure others have, too.  The answers vary in length from 1-3 pages with an application section for applying it to our lives, quite a few Bible references, and a list of other resources such as books, a website, a DVD and an online video.  They're organized very well with sections about God and truth, creation and the Bible, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Heaven and Hell, and even a section about other religions!  There are also sidebars that explain or give additional facts.  This book is wonderful for answering questions you've wondered about or that someone might ask you.  It's a great resource with accessible information if someone asks a hard question you don't know how to begin to explain or would take a long time to put together yourself.  It would also make a great gift to someone searching or who has questions.  I highly recommend this book!

I received this book free from Baker Books in exchange for an honest review.

 The Authors

  1. Norman L. Geisler

    Norman L. Geisler

    Norman L. Geisler (PhD, Loyola University of Chicago) has taught at top evangelical colleges and seminaries for over fifty years and is distinguished professor of apologetics and theology at Veritas Evangelical Seminary in Murrieta, California. He is the...
    Continue reading about Norman L. Geisler
  2. Jason Jimenez

    Jason Jimenez

    Jason Jimenez is founder and president of reshift ministries, inc., and has pastored families for over fifteen years. He is the author of The Raging War of Ideas and lives in North Carolina.
    Continue reading about Jason Jimenez 

Free E-Books!

Out of the Storm by Jody HedlundGentleman of Her Dreams by Jen TuranoAppalachian Serenade by Sarah Loudin ThomasLove by the Letter by Melissa Jagears
Dawn's Prelude by Tracie PetersonSecrets by Kristen HeitzmannCourting Cate by Leslie GouldInescapable by Nancy Mehl

Top 4 Free novellas, bottom 4 full books + many more at the site!  I've read Courting Cate and Inescapable and both were great!


Free for kindle!


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Five-Book Giveaway from Shelley Shepard Gray & TReview of The Promise of Palm Grove - Amish Brides of Pinecraft 1

About the book:

The Promise of Palm Grove (Avon Inspire, January 2015)

Leona must decide: Does she follow the path set out before her? Or take a chance with only the promise of what could be to guide her?

A young Amish woman finds herself torn between the man she's pledged to wed and the man her heart desires in this heartwarming story of chance, duty, and choice in the face of love---the first volume in the beloved New York Times bestselling author's new Amish Brides of Pinecraft series.

Amish bride-to-be Leona is thrilled to be in Florida, on a mini-vacation in the pretty town of Pinecraft. Her girlfriends think she's happy because she's away from the stress of wedding planning. They have no idea that Leona's real joy is in being away from her fiancé.

Edmund is a good man, and will make a decent husband . . . just not for Leona. The more time she spends with him and his overbearing ways, the less she wants to be his wife. Her cousins are sure Edmund is the right man for her---and their certainty makes Leona begin to doubt herself. But when a chance encounter with a wayward cat brings her face-to-face with a handsome, fun-loving Amish man named Zachary Kauffman, Leona's faced with two vastly different futures.

My review:

This was a cute, lighthearted romance I enjoyed partly for the fun atmosphere.  Pinecraft sounds like a wonderful vacation spot or even a fun place to live.  The warm climate near the beach would be wonderful.  I liked the other plot lines, too, about Zachary's twelve-year-old sister Effie and her struggle with a physical disability she has and Beverly, the Mennonite woman who runs the B & B the girls stay at who is surprised by some friends from the past.  It was interesting to see these girls in different stages of life, from Effie just starting out to Beverly trying to find her way again after having her heart broken to Leona trying to decide where her future will go.  I was frustrated that Leona would still be considering a guy who doesn't seem to really care about her or listen to her concerns.  The romance did seem to move a little fast.  Faith is mentioned more in Leona and Zachary's story as they each talk about God's will and prayer.  Otherwise, it didn't seem like there were any big issues to work through or hurdles to overcome.  I would recommend this story if you like Amish romances.

I received this book free from Litfuse Publicity in exchange for an honest review.

Purchase a copy: http://bit.ly/1aQJuw2 

About the author:

Shelley Shepard Gray
is a two-time New York Times bestseller, a two-time USA Today bestseller, a finalist for the American Christian Fiction Writers prestigious Carol Award, and a two-time Holt Medallion winner. She lives in Southern Ohio, where she writes full-time, bakes too much, and can often be found walking her dachshunds on her town's bike trail.

Find Shelley online: website

Don't miss Shelley Shepard Gray's new series, Amish Brides of Pinecraft, and the first book in the series, The Promise of Palm Grove! Romantic Times said, "Vibrant descriptions and details bring the plot to life in this heartwarming tale of new beginnings and renewal." Does Leona follow the path set out before her? Or take a chance with only the promise of what could be to guide her?

Enter to win a copy of The Promise of Palm Grove—five winners will be chosen! The winners will be announced March 30 on Shelley's blog!

Monday, March 16, 2015

New from Max Lucado | ‘Miracle at the Higher Grounds Cafe’ Review and iPad Giveaway

About the book:

Miracle at the Higher Grounds Cafe (Thomas Nelson, February 2015)

What if you could ask God anything? What would you ask? And how would he answer?

Chelsea Chambers is on her own. After a public split from her NFL superstar husband, Chelsea takes a bold step out of the limelight and behind the counter of the Higher Grounds Café, an old-fashioned coffee shop in dire need of reinvention. But when her courage, expert planning, and out-of-this-world cupcakes fail to pay the bills, this newly single mom finds herself desperate for help. Better yet, a miracle.

Then a curious stranger lands at Chelsea's door, and with him, an even more curious string of events. Soon, customers are flocking to the Higher Grounds Café, and not just for the cupcakes and cappuccino. They've come for the internet connection to the divine. Now the café has become the go-to place for people in search of answers to life's biggest questions.

When a catastrophe strikes and her ex comes calling, Chelsea begins to wonder if the whole universe is conspiring against her quest to make it on her own. After a shocking discovery opens her eyes to the unseen world around her, Chelsea finds the courage to ask, and heaven answers in a most unexpected way.

My review:

This was an amusing and insightful story that shows what's going on beneath the surface!  Chelsea has a lot of struggles that I think people can relate to, from a marriage on the rocks to a struggling business.  She feels alone.  I loved that we get to see some of what's happening in the spiritual realm, from the importance of prayer to battles between angels and demons going on around humans while they're unaware.  It reminded me of Peretti's fiction, but with more of a lighthearted view.  I thought the idea of God answering people's questions on a blog was unique.  Manny is funny with his clumsiness and crazy clothes;  he really brings a quirkiness to the cafe.  There's a lot of good spiritual truth and wisdom; however, I thought it was a little weird that Star Wars was such an important thing to an angel and especially that he would say, "May the force be with you," since the movie's worldview and the force are New Age concepts.  Two scenes stood out for me, someone getting saved and Jesus' crucifixion.  It was very cool to see them from the heavenly view.  I would highly recommend this novel if you like something more unique or need to be reminded there's more to life than what we can see and that God loves you, so really I think everyone would enjoy it!

I received this book free from Litfuse Publicity in exchange for an honest review.

Purchase a copy: http://bit.ly/1EaivpU

About the author: More than 120 million readers have found comfort in the writings of Max Lucado. He ministers at the Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas, where he lives with his wife, Denalyn, and a sweet but misbehaving mutt, Andy.

Find Max online: website, Facebook, Twitter

In Max Lucado's new fiction release, Miracle at the Higher Grounds Cafe, he asks, If you could ask God anything, what would you ask—and how would he answer? When a catastrophe strikes and her ex comes calling, Chelsea begins to wonder if the whole universe is conspiring against her quest to make it on her own. After a shocking discovery opens her eyes to the unseen world around her, Chelsea finds the courage to ask, and heaven answers in a most unexpected way.

Join Max in celebrating the release of his new fiction book by entering his iPad giveaway and RSVPing to his Coffee with Max webcast!


One grand prize winner will receive:
  • An iPad Mini
  • A copy of Miracle at the Higher Grounds Cafe
Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on March 23rd. Winner will be announced March 24th on the Litfuse blog. Then tune in later on the 24th for his Coffee with Max webcast. RSVP here!


